THE Annual Alcester Court Leet, Court Baron and View of Frankpledge

12th October 1978?

new high and low

THE annual Alcester Court Leet, Court Baron and View of Frankpledge took place at the town hall on Thursday evening last week when the ancient ceremony of appointing bailiffs and officers was held.

The Steward of the Manor, Mr J W Roberts, opened the meeting by calling on Town Crier and Beadle, W C Malin to declare the proceedings open in the ancient manner.

Mr Roberts then referred to the loss during the past year of Mr B J S Devey, Breadweigher from l95l to l964, and also Mr E R Grummett, who held the post of Town Crier and Beadle from November 1949 till October 1967 and then as a fish and flesh taster for several years afterwards.

Mr Roberts then welcomed the High and Low Bailiffs of Henley-in-Arden and the High Bailiff and Reeve of Bromsgrove.

He called the roll and nine new jurymen took the oath of Frankpledge and paid the customary penny, but this contribution amounted to much more.

After reading the minutes of last year’s meeting Mr Roberts invited retiring High Bailiff Mr L E Haines to present his report and also the accounts. These were adopted.

Mr J Fairhurst was appointed foreman of the jury and took the oath administered by Mr Roberts, who reminded those present that the draft administrative scheme for the town hall was available in the library and there was one month in which objections might be submitted.

Jurymen retired to the lower part of the hall to elect the officers, and Mr Fairhurst reported the following appointed:

High Bailiff Mr J C Buchanan, Low Bailiff Mr L Prichard, Town Crier and Beadle Mr W C Malin, Constable Mr A J Gwinnett, Marshall of the Court Mr P H Robinson, Ale Tasters Mr M J Newey and Mr J Bradley, Affeorors Mr J Howarth and Mr L Wade, Fish and Flesh Tasters Mr A Pearce and Mr J Hill, Breadweighers Mr G Clarke and Mr C Leech, Hayward Mr G Taylor, Surveyor of Highways Mr C Burtt, Brook Watcher Mr J Brookes, and auditor Mr G Taylor.

The new High Bailiff (left), John Buchanan, with (from left) Mrs Marion Buchanan, Mrs Christine Prichard, and new Low Bailiff Lesley Prichard.