Traditional Tasters Do The Rounds Of Alcester Pubs
Alcester Chronicle 1978 (29th September)
Last week, members of the Alcester Court Leet carried out the ancient tradition of ‘Ale Tasting’ around the public houses of Alcester.
The Ale tasters or Connors are appointed by the Court Leet to test all the beer in the manor just to make sure it was ‘good for men’s bodies’.
Originally, the tasters used to sit on a sample of ale spilled on a bench, and if their leather breeches stuck, it was okay to drink.
Nowadays, they settle for a swift half in every pub.
The tradition was revived in l973 by Mr. John Wall, who is one of the ale testers.
The tasters visited 8 pubs last week and intend visiting another 9 this week, just to make sure the men of Alcester are drinking only the best brew.