Welcome to Alcester Court Leet

What does the Alcester Court Leet do today?

  • Maintains the traditions and ceremonies that have been particular to the area of Alcester over the last 700 years
  • Organises and participates in many events for the benefit of the community of Alcester
  • Raises funds for distribution to local organisations and charities.

Ceremoniously dressed officers can be seen participating in, or re-enacting their ancient roles at events throughout the year, bringing to people today glimpses of Alcester’s colourful past.

Crying in the new High Bailiff

Crying in the new High and Low Bailiffs

(l – r above) High Bailiff , Town Crier and Low Bailiff

Low and High Bailiff 2024

(above l – r) Low Bailiff and High Bailiff

town crierOyez, Oyez, Oyez

Alcester Court Leet
has a new High Bailiff
for 2023/24
Martin Burden
and a new Low Bailiff
Tracey Parkes

How did the Court Leet begin? The Court Leet originated in England in the Court Baron, a Court authorised by the King and presided over by the Baron or landowner. It mainly dealt with matters relating to the duties and services owed by the peasants or villeins (not Freemen) to the Lord of the Manor or Baron.

Who are the members of the Alcester Court Leet? The current Lord of the Manor is the Most Honourable Henry Jocelyn Seymour Marquess of Hertford. Members of the Court Leet are all persons who have formally sworn the ancient Oath of Frankpledge. New members automatically become Jurymen of the Court. Court Leet Officers are elected annually from and by the Jurymen at a ceremony held each October in Alcester Town Hall. Elected officers wear the traditional ceremonial robes of their office on all formal Court occasions.